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Digitalizing its patrimony, the "Giuseppe Grosso" Library scanned 19 valuable texts belonging to two collections: "Piemontesi" fund, whose books are the original core of the library, all are meant to characterize the library's status of an regional-historical library, and the "Carlo Ignazio Giulio" fund, made of the volumes gathered by the scientist and politician, which can express the variety of disciplines and interests on that constituted the amount of information possessed by and intellectual who lived in the first half of '800s.
The digitalization of the 19 volumes was done by the Laboratory DigiBESS, in the CNR of Turin in strada delle Cacce: the digitalized works are available for consultation online on the platform Byterfly, a digital library completely open source, realized by CNR-IRCeES, Institute of Research about the Economic Sustainable.
In the available volumes it is possible to search full text on all the pages, optimize, the reading with a viewr in full-screen and to download the pdfs.
The texts are whole available and downloadable here:
List of digitalized book
- Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the shadow of Mont Blanc and the Jungfrau Alp by George B. Cheever...;
- Cronica del Monferrato, scritta da Benuenuto S. Giorgio, cavalier e presidente del Senato...;
- The Waldenses, or Protestant valleys of Piedmont, Dauphiny, and the Ban de la Roche / by William Beattie...;
- Libro nel quale si tratta della maniera di giuocar' a scacchi con alcuni sottilissimi partiti...;
- Voyage en Piemont, contenant la description topographique et pittoresque, la statistique...;
- Campagne de Piemont et de Lombardie en 1859 / par Amedee de Cesena...;
- Narrative of an ascent of the summit of Mont Blanc, on the eighth and ninth of august, 1827. By John Auldjo...;
- All'oasi di Giove Ammone / viaggio di L. Robecchi-Bricchetti...;
- Essai météorologique sur la véritable influence des astres, des saisons et changemens de tems...;
- Analyse des infiniment petits pour l'intelligence des lignes courbes par Mr le Marquis De l'Hospital...;
- Fortificazione a rovescio di Donato Rossetti canonico di Livorno, dott. in sac. teologia...;
- Viaggio intorno al globo della r. pirocorvetta italiana Magenta negli anni 1865-66-67-68...;
- Degli archi e delle volte libri sei di Leonardo Salimbeni...;
- Vite dei pittori antichi greci e latini compilate dal p.m. Guglielmo Della Valle minor conventuale...;
- Exposition des découvertes philosophiques de m. le chevalier Newton, par m. MacLaurin...;
- Le parfait ingenieur françois, ou la fortification offensive et défensive, contenant la construction...;
- Atlas celeste de Flamsteed, publie en 1776, par J. Fortin...;
- Traité pratique sur les chemins en fer et sur les voitures destinees a les parcourir...;
- Visite a l'exposition universelle de Paris...;