Historical Library

Miscellanea piemontese

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With 34 parchments and 6 paper documents, the collection constitutes a further contribution to the knowledge of the archivist and consequently of sub-Alpine history. The documents, dated between 1375 and 1723, inventoried and recorded, concern places in the Piedmont area and immediately adjacent, such as Geneva.
In particular, the cities of Moncalieri and Chieri provide the largest group of acts, mostly relating to characters of the Duco family (de Ducibus, Dukes, de Duchis) in Moncalieri and Gualfredi in Chieri.
The Marquisate of Monferrato is present in our review with two papal bulls of 1402 and 1483, in a copy of sec. XV, but with curious anomalies concerning the Palaeologus Marquis sovereigns of Monferrato: errors probably due to the interpretation of the copyist.
Of considerable interest for the history of the Alessandrian families Pagliari, Ghilini, Inviziati, of Lerma, the dossier concerning the evidence of nobility presented by the noble Agostino Pagliari for his admission to the Sovereign Military Order of Jerusalem of Malta in 1617-1618.
Ducal licenses, feudal investitures, wills, endowments, acts of buying and selling, papal bulls and brief, arbitral awards, transactions of disputes, constitute this "Piedmontese Miscellaneous" that enriches and completes the archival series of this Library.

Edited by Aldo di Ricaldone