Historical Library
Gleaning in the Library
Versione italiana English version Version française Versión en español
- A symbolic id card: the heraldic coats of arms
- All Leopardi’s moons
- Botanical curiosities
- Lilliput and Brobdingnag in the library
- Castigat ridendo mores: humoristical-satirical journals in Turin during '800
- Turin rarities: history, landscape, topography
- Scripts and sheet music: music and theatre in the library
- Lunars, alanacs, calendars, ephemeris...
- Graphic arts: a gallery between books
- The long story of the Province begins in the Sardinia Reign
- Tommaso Valperga di Masino: abbot, astronomer, mathematic, orientalist and philosopher
- The holy mountains: a work of art and devotion between nature and architecture
- Stories and landscapes of Piedmont from the pen of Modesto Paroletti
- Non amo che le rose che non colsi: Guido Gozzano in the library
- Famous pens: Vittorio Alfieri and Diodata di Saluzzo
- Napoleone Bonaparte in Turin
- Travels on the Alpes between turism and science: the swiss Saussure and Töppfer
- Documents from Resistance in the province of Turin
- Famous pens: Giuseppe Giacosa
- Famous pens: Silvio Pellico
- Famous pens: Constantino Nigra