Historical Library

Guderzo Giulio, ferrovie piemontesi dell'ottocento

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Giulio Guderzo (Udine, 14 February 1932), university professor of History of the Resurgence and dean of the Italian railway historians, arrives at the study of the theme of the pre-unitary Piedmont railways immediately after graduation, achieved in 1954, a theme that will always remain at the centre of his scholarly interests.
The railway affair in sub-Alpine society - especially, but not only, in the crucial transition from the Carloalbertine age to the Cavourian decade - falls within the framework of the Europe of the Industrial Revolution and represents a phase of great modernization, with new methods, for Piedmont even revolutionary, in the daily action of government of the economy. And for contemporaries the repercussions, not only economic but also social, of the introduction of the new means of communication will be very significant.

The long research activity on the field of Guderzo has resulted in several publications: in 1961 Vie e mezzi di comunicazione in Piemonte dal 1831 al 1861, in 1971 the essay on Ferrovie e imprenditorialità nel Piemonte di Sebastiano Grandis, in 1973 inanza e politica in Piemonte alle soglie del decennio cavouriano, tra l'88, il 90 e il 94 i tre testi Ferrovieri inglesi nel Piemonte di Carlo Alberto; Pietro Paleocapa e la politica ferroviaria del Piemonte sabaudo; Politiche economiche e infrastrutture tra rivoluzione e riforme in Italia dal 1831 al 1846. Nel volume Compagni di viaggio, of 2007, finally brings together the "portraits" of some of the major protagonists of subalpine rail. The material present in this archive has been mainly used in the recent volume Ferrovie nel Piemonte preunitario, of 2018, to the preparation of which - according to the author - the Biblioteca Grosso has given an important contribution both of texts and of iconography.

The archive, donated by Guderzo himself in 2019 to the Library of History and Culture of Piedmont "Giuseppe Grosso" of the Metropolitan City of Turin, consists of largely original materials, both manuscripts and prints, and is divided into three folders:

  • I - Iron roads
  • II - Writings
  • III - Testimonies.