Risorse energetiche

Events and Newsletters

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Conference "Financial instruments for energy renovation policies", Trento - 2nd of March 2017


Silvio De Nigris (Regione Piemonte)
2020Together project (pdf  4,5 MB)

Workshop with ESCos - Environment Park, 15th of February 2017

Meeting organized with ESCOs, following 2 tenders related to energy interventions on buildings and public lighting, in order to understand the expectations and challenges that have precluded / will preclude the participation of the ESCos to them.

Presentation - Silvio De Nigris (Piedmont Region) (pdf 813 KB)

Report of the event in inglese (pdf 210 KB)

ENERGY EFFICIENCY FINANCE MARKET PLACE, Bruxelles - 19th of January 2017

Covenant of Mayors Webinar - 15th of December 2016


Silvio De Nigris (Regione Piemonte)
New Financing Models for the Energy Retrofitting of Buildings (pdf  2,9 MB)

2020TOGETHER project has been presented at the European Utility Week - Barcelona 16/11/2016: here the presentation (pdf 1,6 MB)

The 2020TOGETHER project has been invited to the Info Day Horizon 2020 in order to present its first results - Bruxelles 19/09/2016

Promoting energy investments for public buildings, Matera - 6th of July 2015


Stefano Dotta (Environment Park)
The 2020Together project of the province of Torino area (pdf  1,3 MB)

Workshop "Innovative financing models for energy efficiency investments in LAs' buildings", Potenza - 9th of June 2015


Stefano Dotta (Environment Park)
The 2020Together project of the province of Torino area (pdf  1,3 MB)

EPC contracts on public lighting and the future launch of investments in the metropolitan area of Turin: the involvement of ESCOs - 25th of February 2016 - Environment Park, Copenhagen room, via Livorno 60 - Torino (10:00-13:00)

Procurements of innovative solutions in the field of public lighting - 20 January 2016

The event is organized within the project PRO-LITE. Proper comparison on strategies and prospects of systematization at Italian and European level.

Detailed programme(pdf 611KB)

EPC and the future launch of investments in the metropolitan area of Turin: the involvement of ESCO - 28th of May 2015

2020TOGETHER in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) - 21st of May 2015


Silvio De Nigris (Città metropolitana di Torino)

2020TOGETHER project presented in London, during the conference "Smart to Future Cities" - 28th of April 2015


Silvio De Nigris and Giovanni Vicentini (Città metropolitana di Torino)
Smart to Future Cities - 2020Together project (pdf  5,4 MB)

Meeting in Pinerolo with the Association Lapis "Opportunities of development for the Area of Pinerolo" - 22nd of April 2015


Silvio de Nigris (Città metropolitana di Torino)
The Covenant of Mayors and the 2020Together Project (pdf  5,7 MB)

Read the article on the website of the Lapis Association

  • Meeting with the Municipalities involved in the project 2020Together: updating on the project - 17th of April 2015

Public lighting: a significant opportunity for cost savings and energy efficiency - 11th of December 2014

The Province of Torino participates as a speaker at the conference to be held at the Centro Congressi Torino: his speech will be on "The weight of public lighting in the energy balance of the provincial territory and the opportunities of the project 2020Together for the municipalities of the Province".

Program of the event (formato pdf 66 KB)

Training on " The energy performance contracting through third party financing" - 12th of November 2014

The "energy performance contracting" (Legislative Decree 115/98) is a contractual arrangement between the beneficiary and the provider concerning an intervention of improvement of energy efficiency, in which the payment of the investment is made according to the level of efficiency contractually agreed.
The Province of Turin is the project leader of 2020TOGETHER, co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Programme, which aims to develop such contractual form of a plurality of buildings and public lighting systems from different municipalities of the province. The project will provide about 10 million investment in energy efficiency for the benefit of at least 60 public buildings and 2.000 points of light.
The training day, after a brief introduction on the project 2020TOGETHER, examines in detail the regulatory and legal aspects of energy performance contracting, illustrating the opportunities and challenges associated with their implementation. At the end will be presented two initiatives underway in the provinces of Modena and Teramo.



Elisa Valeriani (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
Contractual arrangements in partnership for investment in energy efficiency(pdf 553 KB)


Piergabriele Andreoli (Agenzia per l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile di Modena)
The ELENA project in the province of Modena(pdf 2,5 MB)


Graziano D'Eustachio (Agenzia per l'Energia e l'Ambiente della Provincia di Teramo)
The project PARIDE of the Province of Teramo(pdf 346 KB)


  • Meeting with the Municipalities: discussion on the first draft of the Convention - 8th of July 2014
  • Meeting with the Municipalities: insights and work plan - 9th of June 2014
  • Meeting with the Municipalities: presentation of the project and proposal to join - 5th of May 2014
  Newsletter n. 1 (Italian)(pdf 1,1 MB)
  Newsletter n. 2Newsletter n. 2 (Italian) (pdf  800 KB)
  Newsletter n.3
  Newsletter n.4